
Please note Multigraphics will be closing for the holidays at 5 pm on December 22nd, 2022 (Thursday) and will reopen at 8:30 am on January 3rd, 2022 (Tuesday). Happy Holidays!

Capital Park Expansion in Victoria, BC | Phase 3 of 3

Environmental Graphics in Victoria, BC (Phase 3 of 3)

One of our largest environmental graphics projects has finally concluded after two years. The project which started in late 2018 was completed in three phases, each covering different floors with their own unique design and theme. You can see more details and pictures of the previous two phases using the links below:

Similar to the previous phases, this installation also included Wall Murals, Wayfinding Signs, Window Covering, and Cut Lettering. The creative design and layout flow through the various sections of the office space beautifully. Check out the finished results in the picture gallery below.

Our Work

Wall Murals

Printed Window Graphics & Privacy Film

Wayfinding Signs & Custom Graphics


Visit our Office Graphics page for more info or ask us directly on how we can help you with your graphical needs.



Interior & Exterior Wayfinding Signs at Meadowridge School

Interior & Exterior Wayfinding Sings at Meadowridge School

The private school in Maple Ridge recently expanded its campus with an addition of a new classroom complex named, Audacity. The new building includes two science labs, seven classrooms, a student lounge, and a student loft for grade 9 to 12 students.

With the addition of a new location on campus, the entire school’s wayfinding system needed while an update. To help achieve that, Multigraphics was asked to print, fabricate, and install of all their interior and exterior signage. The massive undertaking resulted in some of the most unique and chic wayfinding signage we have ever produced that we are proud to showcase in our project feature of the month.

Our Work

Interior Wayfinding Signs

  • Room IDs – 3/4″ Russian Birch Pegboard, engraved with school crest and cut vinyl
  • Messenger Panel – 3/4″ Russian Birch Pegboard, with dry-erase board
  • Large room names – 1″ thick painted acrylic letters mounted onto wall
  • Custom-built donor wall
  • Floor decals
  • Wall decals
  • Indoor banners, hung from ceiling
  • Pull-up banners

Exterior Wayfinding Signs

  • Dimensional letters of their school name – 1″ tall acrylic letters
  • School map – 4×6 cedar posts with aluminum post toppers
  • Directional fins – 4×4 cedar posts, engraved with 6mm aluminum blades
  • Building IDs – 6ft tall painted aluminum signs with 1/4″ acrylic dimensional letters
  • Room IDs = 5 x 1/4″ aluminum panels wrapped with 3M wood grain Dinoc vinyl + brailed room numbers
  • Flag pole banners
  • Outdoor wall banners
  • Pillar Wraps

Would you like to see more?

Visit our wayfinding signage page for more info or ask us directly on how we can help you with your graphical needs.



Environmental Graphics in Victoria, BC | Phase 2 of 3

Environmental Graphics in Victoria, BC (Phase 2 of 3)

One of our largest projects for environmental graphics continues in Victoria, BC as we install the graphics for phase 2. Unlike the previous, this project spanned over three floors and took a full week to install. Graphics consisted of wall murals, wayfinding signs, window covering, cut lettering and custom wood signs.

See completed pictures of the other two phases by clicking the links below:

Our Work

3M Vinyl + Sintra + MDF + Wood Veneer Graphics

  • Printed, finished, and installed various multi-layered graphics
    • Element 1 – Digitally printed 3M Vinyl with Matte Lamination
    • Element 2 – 1/4″ Grey Sintra
    • Element 3 – White Oak Rift wood veneer
    • Element 4 – 3/4″ MDFs panels
    • Element 5 – White cut lettering
  • The whole job was divided into multiple items which were then installed together onsite to achieve the finished results you see below. Printed vinyl was mounted onto the grey sintra, while the wood veneer was applied to the MDF panels. On site, the sintra pieces were mounted onto the MDF panels along with cut lettering to finish each sign.

Wall Murals

  • Over 1600+ square feet of printed wall graphics on 3M Vinyl with Matte Lamination
  • Installation was spread over 19 locations throughout the office space

Printed Window Graphics & Privacy Film

  • Over 200 square feet of printed graphics on 3M Clear Vinyl with a clear laminate
  • Over 2400 square feet of printed 3M Dusted Crystal privacy film
  • All installed over various location on three different floors.

Wayfinding Signs & Kiss Cut Letters

  • Wayfinding signs at 24 different locations
  • Three water station signs
  • Three first aid room signs
  • Over 200 room name/identifiers


Visit our Office Graphics page for more info or ask us directly on how we can help you with your graphical needs.



Wayfinding Signs at University of the Fraser Valley

Exterior Wayfinding Signage at the University of The Fraser Valley

Multigraphics was recently requested to help print and install Identification and Directional signage for UFV at their Abbotsford campus. This is one of those projects where a picture speaks a thousand words. The need was straight-forward, the solution, however, slightly challenging. 

The double sided aluminum sign holder extrusions had to be ordered in from the States, while the prints were done and assembled  in-house. Since all the wayfinding signs were outdoor, factors such as wind, rain, snow, and other elements that could damage the sign had to be accounted for as well. Despite the freight and installation challenges, it was rewarding to see the hard work of our team come to fruition and the client being very happy with the end result.

Our Work

  • 6 double sided Pylon Signs – 48″W x 80″H each
  • 7 double sided Pylon Signs – 24″W x 112″H each
  • 1 double sided Pylon Sign  – 24″W x 68″H
  • 1 Four-sided Pylon Sign – 40″W x 80″H
  • 30 Blade Signs with Poles – 24″W x 6″H each
All signs were printed on 3M permanent self adhesive vinyl applied onto a 1 mm Poly-carbonated film which was then inserted into the frames.



Visit our Wayfinding Signage page for more info or ask us directly on how we can help you with your graphical needs.



Office Environmental Graphics in Victoria & Vancouver | Phase 1 of 3

Environmental Graphics in Victoria, Bc (Phase 1 of 3)

Multigraphics was ecstatic to help print and install the beautifully designed environmental graphics at two locations – Victoria and Vancouver, BC. The project in Victoria spanned across five floors where each was distinguished by different colors that complimented the interior design of the space while creating a consistent tone across the facility. The project in Vancouver was more focused on capturing the essence of the brand and creating a motivating environment for the employees.

The entire project will be completed in three phases, spread over 2 years. To see the remaining phases, click the link below:

Meanwhile, details and finished pictures of phase 1 can be viewed below.

Wall Graphics

  • 15 walls covered in 3M Long Life Wall Vinyl with Matte Laminate
  • Over 500 linear feet of media printed, laminated, and installed

Glass Covering

Privacy Film

  • 430 panels of printed and non printed 3M Dusted Crystal Vinyl
  • Over 1200 linear feet of media printed and installed across 5 floors

Kiss Cut Letters

  • 136 Locations | 122 Numbers | 14 Names
  • Kiss cut and weeded from 3M Matte White Vinyl



Visit our Office Graphics page for more info or ask us directly on how we can help you with your graphical needs.



Wayfinding Architecture Signage | Seaspan

Interior Wayfinding Signage at Seaspan

Seaspan recently opened their state-of-the-art, 7800 square meter of office space in North Vancouver to provide ample space for approximately 390 employees. The new space has environmentally friendly features, impeccable design, and modern amenities all poised together seamlessly to help its employees execute pre-production work effectively. With such a large facility, it was imperative for Seaspan to have proper wayfinding signage that provide accurate direction for its employees and customers alike. 

That’s where Multigraphics came in to assist. Our experienced production and sales team came up with various prototypes to help choose the best fit for Seaspan’s wayfinding signage. The victorious design was a combination of Brushed Alupanel and Red Acrylic prints, all hand-assembled to form a unique sign befitting Seaspans brand and colour theme.
The following was the final count of all the signs produced:
  • 30 Blade ID Signs (Attached to the side of the walls)
  • 42 Office ID Signs (Mounted flush to the walls)
  • 330+ Workstation ID Signs
  • 7 Frosted Door Logos
  • 25 Meeting Room ID Decals
  • 3 Washroom Wall Decals
  • Various Wall Murals



Visit our Wayfinding Signage page for more info or ask us directly on how we can help you with your graphical needs.



Wayfinding Signage | Canada Place


The Vancouver cruise ship season keeps getting bigger every year with over 840,000 tourists expected to arrive this year. The tourists come from around the world and, to ensure everyone gets on and off the ship, and directed through customs, ground transportation, and through the hotel & convention centre attractions without any confusion can be a challenge. However, with bright back-lit posters, strategically placed signage and clear, universal graphics produced and installed by Multigraphics, it was all smooth sailing for the Port of Vancouver.

Our project was featured in Sign Media’s May Edition. Read the full story here from Page 38-40.

