Retail Store Hoarding at the Vancouver International Airport
For 9 years in a row YVR has won the SKYTRAX award for one of the Best Airports in North America. This is the world’s largest independent airport customer satisfaction survey that measures 39 elements in the airport travel experience ranging from check-in, baggage handling and security & border clearance processes, to passenger amenities, signage, and terminal ambience and design.
In terms of ambience and design, anyone who has been through YVR will have immediately noticed the outstanding collection of First Nations Art that is on display throughout the facility promoting the themes of British Columbia’s land, sea, and sky as a first impression to those arriving and a last impression to those who are leaving.
Equally thoughtful is how the airport has decided to cover up the hoardings of various construction projects going on within the terminal. In the most recent example they chose to highlight every airport in the world that YVR has direct flights to in a postcard style image that people could stand beside and have their photo taken.
This was a 175 ft wide by 12 ft high hoarding printed and installed by Multigraphics Team.